Saturday 14 January 2012

Suryabhadra’s Cry | Great Middle Way

Suryabhadra’s Cry | Great Middle Way:

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With peerless kindness,
from the vast expanse of your pure awareness of wisdom and love,
you satisfied my mind with profound Dharma.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own!
Afflicted by the brutal disease of the three poisons,
I have no resort to the sublime medicine of Dharma.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own,
tortured by intense, repugnant grasping!
Lacking eyes to see the truth of the way things really are,
and without the cane of profound method and knowledge,
I fell into the abyss of conceptualizing and analyzing.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own!
Lacking the fine wealth of the six excellent gems,
and without the fine friends of mindfulness and vigor,
I strayed from the path of the two accumulations.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own!
Without disenchantment and renunciation that turn the mind,
and lacking faith in the refuges of lama and yidam,
I’m bereft of the profound path of compassionate emptiness.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own!
Without confidence in the divine nature of the truly established,
and lacking awareness of the illusory nature of empty appearances,
I’ve taken them to be identical and different.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own!
Abandoning compassion for all sentient beings
and not cherishing the three trainings of Dharma,
I lack the essential points of the profound path.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own!
All Dharma has become a subject to teach and study,
all profit solely for myself, and all the path surrendered to distraction.
Beloved Lord, regard me as your own!
If my past aspirations have been such as this,
from now on may they also be like this, but strong and steady.
By the blessings of the Primordial Lord and Our Mother the Deliverer,
may your mind blend with my mind!
On this third year of my lonesomeness,
remembering you, my true Companion,
who are the Buddha of the three times,
Suryabhadra cries out mournfully.
Place the sole of your foot on my neck, for I am your slave.
Place the palm of your hand on my head, for I am your son.
Place the length of your arm on my back, for you are my friend.
Place your brow against mine once again, dearest Lord!
—after Jonang Rinchen Sangpo’s Cry to the Compassionate One

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